Funk… (Day Seven)

No, not the seventies musical genre but the mental and emotional status of fatigue, depression and overall moodiness. Those that know me best know that there are times when my emotional status can change however it feels rather different today. I’m currently experiencing a once in a lifetime trip to Europe and I spent the entire day in this funk and its just emotionally draining me. So with that in mind, please don’t be too critical of me when reading this post.

Today, for the first time, we had the entire morning off which I used to sleep off another night of drinking and get some much needed rest to keep me rested for my remaining time in Europe. Upon waking at eleven, I met up with the rest of the group and we took the bus to the Brasserie du Bocq brewery. Our group arrived to meet with our tour guide who proceeded to give us a tour of the entire brewery starting with mixing the raw ingredients, the brewing, filtration then the fermentation and finally the bottling.


The large vats used to mix the ingredients

The tour ended with a free tasting of one of the brewery’s many beers and a bit of shopping at the brewery’s own little gift shop.


This was my free sample, also I bought a 2L bottle to share with friends back home!

It seems that timing has been a bit of a problem on this trip, as it seems our group is either too early or too late for many different things and today was no exception. Our tour ended semi early and we needed to kill time before our dinner reservations at a restaurant I’m southern Belgium. So we proceeded to take an avant garde tour of the countryside.


The arch that led to the B&B where we had dinner

After our late night fare, we took the long, late night bus ride back to Brussels where we were all pretty beat from the day’s events. Me, still being in my funk, decided I would do my best to wind down and venture out on my own and simply wonder the city. I left the hotel around 10:30 with the sole intention of getting lost in the city and exploring its vast nature. I try to keep a firm sense of direction on these walks but ended up completely lost. After spending around forty five minutes trying to get my bearings, I found my way back to the hotel where I promptly showered and relaxed before going to bed.

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