Day Four: Ferraris and Bologna

“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain

Day four started like any other day here on the Fantastic and Fun-Filled Florence Frenzy. Breakfast was served a bit too early (7, I’d prefer around 11:30) and we were all off on another excursion…this time, the wonderful world of Ferrari. The bus ride took about two hours but after a short nap we finally arrived in Bologna, ready to explore and learn about these exotic vehicles.

First off, what we discovered in Bologna wasn’t quite what we expected. Typically on these trips we have a little presentation about the company followed by a factory tour. Instead what we received were tickets to the Ferrari museum. While we weren’t able to get to see the process of these cars being built, we did see some very interesting models dating from the time of Ferrari’s inception:



Second, the gift shop at the museum was ridiculously priced for what they were (for example, a Tshirt was about $35 and a small matchbox car ranged from $100-600) therefore I bought nothing.

The morning ended with free time in Bologna where we simply wandered the beautiful streets and Lauren and I ended with a gourmet lunch at one of Bologna’s signature restaurants….McDonalds. After some light shopping we all gathered back on the bus and returned to Florence.

Lauren and I abstained from a large meal when we returned at seven so we opted for a more simpler approach in take away pizza and Venchi gelato. We finished the evening with a long walk along the streets of Florence and turned in for the night.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Lauren says:

    11:30am is not breakfast, that would be brunch.

    1. dfinecy says:

      I was up about ten minutes prior, therefore it was breakfast.

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