Two Days in the Air

So what do you get when you take two newlyweds and send them halfway around the world? Well…you get two very tired and sleepy newlyweds who are a shell of their former beauty and vitality. I feel like there could’ve been a better punch line there.

Before I continue, I want to make a quick point to thank those of you who helped fund this glorious honeymoon of ours. Lauren and I both know that we wouldn’t be able to do this without you support, so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

I’m currently writing this from the Narita, Japan terminal and even though we’re only within the boundaries of the airport, one can definitely understand what a different cultural world Aisa really is and I expect this to continue the closer we get to Indonesia.

With 15 hours of flying tile behind is and only a mere 9 or so more to go, our excitement and anticipation is growing with each mile we travel, even if it is being clouded by the fatigue of seeing the sun up for 20 hours and the jet lag starting to creep in.

By the time you read this Lauren and I will have landed in country and on our first remarkable tour. It’s incredible how far you can go when you spend an entire weekend flying. Nonetheless, we are spending this time like any couple should….we each other by our side and a sense of adventure guiding the way.

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