The Sun, Sea and Wind (ish)

Our last days on the island were mostly plagued by rain but there were gaps in the moisture that we were able to take advantage of. Leading up to this trip, I’ve been tinkering with the idea of buying a laser dinghy and as it just so happens, Constance has them for use for free…

Travel Rule #2

When presented with the opportunity to use a toilet, use it. You really never know when you’ll get another chance and when staying for two weeks on a tropical island constantly hydrating and on boats with no toilets, it becomes even more imperative. We transferred from Lakaz Chamarel on day eight and took the long,…

The Natural Beauty of Mauritius

Humans suck. I should amend that. Humans often suck. Through our many travels we’ve been fortunate enough to bask in natural wonders of our destinations along with the often, tragic histories that they include. In the Galapagos, the entire archipelago is a national park, which naturalist guides, heavy regulation and strict environmental policies in place…

The Land of the Rising Rhum

The modern Mauritian economy is built on two pillars: tourism, which we are actively and enthusiastically contributing to by the mere act of visiting and sugar cane cultivation, which among its infinite uses is primarily used in making rum (spelt, rhum locally. Having checked the first pillar off our to do list, it made the…

Living in the Jungle

In total, we slept for a good 14 hours before waking up with the sun, around 6:30 or so. Surprisingly the nap we took the previous day wasn’t enough make up for the three day sleep debt we had. With a full night’s sleep and any jet lag risk behind us, we were really to…

A Weekend of Travel

In retrospect, I should have known better but to be fair, there isn’t much art nor science to picking international flights. It’s more or less a crap shoot that gets slightly more in your favor if the airline isn’t a jerk and decides not to track your searches. If one were to take the fastest…

Back to Paradise

Another year comes another ambitious, long awaited vacation to another remote spot on the globe. Since we last talked, plenty of new things have happened. I started a new position at CVS, Lauren and I moved from Texas to South Dakota and after enduring our first South Dakota winter, have been over the moon in…