
Looking back on it, it was inevitable. Every other time I’ve traveled to Europe I’ve gotten sick with some invasive malady and this trip isn’t an exception. I had been recovering from a bad flu leading up to our departure from the states and feeling like I was on the mend, but the day we…


When we were planning the logistics of this trip, we had booked train tickets for key sections as we wanted flexibility of when we would move on to the next town. What we didn’t anticipate was that train tickets would double in price booking them within a day of actual travel, which is what happened…


The secret of combating jet lag is to immediately take on your target destinations’s time zone without question (but with plenty of grumbling). After losing nearly half a day to time zone differences, Lauren and I managed to stay up until 7:30 the previous night and woke up shortly after seven this morning. With our…

Europe is calling…

Eight years, three states and one wedding. Big milestones that have a since past marking the lapse of time since Lauren and I were in Europe. My faithful and most dedicated readers (who are also super attractive and smart…you know who you are) will recall the last time we entered the continent was for our…

Day Eleven: Our Last Day

“Good company in the journey makes the way seem shorter” -Izaak Walton I almost woke up on day eleven with tears in my eyes because I knew this would be our last day in country and the past week and a half seemed to go by way too fast. It never ceases to amaze me…

Day Ten: The Feds and Futbol

“To travel is to live” -Hans Christian Andersen Day ten started out like the previous day…except without the cuddling prior to breakfast. I went downstairs, had breakfast with Lauren and then we met up with Dr. Morris to arrange our first business appointment of the day: the US Consulate. Since our group had split between…

Day Nine: Verona (Boobs!), Pasta and Milan!

“We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next to find ourselves” -Pico Iyer Not a good start to the day. At seven this morning, we had to make sure our bags were in the lobby in our hotel so the porters had enough time to get our bags to the boat prior to…

Day Eight: Hopeless Wondering and GEOX

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living” -Mary Ritter Beard This, as you all know, is my second study abroad trip with Dr. Morris so when I see these words on the itinerary for day eight: “Market Research…

Day Seven: Venice, Murano and Burano

“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment” -Hilaire Belloc On day seven, I was able to finally sleep in for the first time during the entire trip and trust me, I desperately needed it. Lauren and I awoke around eight and headed down to breakfast (this became our Italian tradition since we got…

Day Six: Hello, Venice!

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine As the sun rose over the Florence skyline, I was just finished packing and ready to head downstairs for an early breakfast. Today was the first of two city transfer for the trip and I was required…