A Journeys End

Accommodations: Quinci Villa, Singgigi I haven’t posted anything since our departure from Bali for two reasons: the first, the activities we’ve done haven’t allowed for pictures and the second, those that we do have pictures for we’re either taken from someone else or is on Lauren’s phone…unfortunately I’m not able to extract them here. So…

Monkeys and Rice!

Accommodations: Bisma Eight, Ubud I know when Lauren and I are nearing the midpoint of our trip when she begins to talk like the locals, not necessarily in their language but in the broken English that we hear very frequently during interactions with locals and our guide. Hearing Lauren say: “We from America…no water, in…

Fields of Rice

Accommodations: Bisma Eight, Ubud Our first full day on the beautiful island of Bali began with a morning walking tour through the center of Ubud. After a very quick car ride to the city center, our guide led us to a small road that allowed us to see an urban rural prescriptive of Ubud. When…

Borobudur and a transfer to Bali

Accommodation: The Phoenix Hotel, Yogyakarta Our adventure continues with day two in Jogja as with our guide and our driver delivering us one hour outside the city to the temple of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Arriving at the complex, it is easy to let the tranquility and spirituality overcome you to…

A Spiritual Journey and More!

Accommodations: The Phoenix Hotel, Yogyakarta When you spend a solid three days flying from airport to airport and country to country, your first instinct when arriving is to head straight to bed. As temping at that is, the only way I’ve ever been able to get over the jet lag (a tip shared by Dr….

Two Days in the Air

So what do you get when you take two newlyweds and send them halfway around the world? Well…you get two very tired and sleepy newlyweds who are a shell of their former beauty and vitality. I feel like there could’ve been a better punch line there. Before I continue, I want to make a quick…