24 Hours in Brussels

When we began our planning for this trip we knew two things: 1. We were doing the 10k in London and 2. We were going to Rome. The biggest question we had to answer was how are we moving between countries and by which method. Seeing how we try to pack as much as we…

Quick Update…

Alright everybody, I have a quick update regarding my blog. As you know, the purpose of this blog was to post live from my trip in Brussels. Now that my trip is over, I decided to keep this site going as long as I can find ways to keep it interesting and most of all,…

Our Last Day (Day Ten)

Today has been a very bittersweet day. Its saturday and is our last full day in Belgium and while I know a lot of us are homesick, there is still a big part of us that wish we would never have to leave. Considering that it is Saturday, we had no business appointments, nothing on…

Delicious Chocolate and Audi (Day Nine)

As I woke up this morning and prepared myself for the day, I quickly glanced over our schedule to see what exciting adventures awaited. When I read that we were going to a chocolate demo, visiting a brewery and a having a tour of Audi, I instantly got excited. I knew we were going to…

Road Trip #2 (Day Eight)

Yesterday I wrote about how my mood had caused me to lose I joy I was having for this trip. I am happy to say that today I felt so much better and was feeling more like myself…and it was a great this too because today we spent the majority of the day in Bruges….

Funk… (Day Seven)

No, not the seventies musical genre but the mental and emotional status of fatigue, depression and overall moodiness. Those that know me best know that there are times when my emotional status can change however it feels rather different today. I’m currently experiencing a once in a lifetime trip to Europe and I spent the…

Road Trip #1! (Day Six)

After my long day of recovery, I was raring to go on day six. With plenty of rest, I was up at the crack of dawn and on the bus heading toward Antwerp. We arrived to a very chilly and Windy City with on and off rain, but it didn’t distract from the beauty of…

Ugh…(Day Five)

Ok so this post may be a bit on the short side because I haven’t really been up long enough to complete a full post. Today, I realized why the day after St. Patrick’s Day is the least productive day in the face of the earth. Everybody had a lot to drink last night and…

St. Patrick’s Day! (Day Four)

I’ve never celebrated St. Patrick’s day a day in my life. I’ve always thought that a specific day to drink alcohol was never really smart but I must say, I’m chowing down on a bit of crow right now. My day started like the rest, here in Brussels with dragging myself out of bed and…

Ace of Base and Celine Dion (Day Three)

Sleeping in has to be one of the greatest things in existence. In my post from Wednesday, I mentioned how much jet lag we were all feeling and because we postponed our activities until 10 this morning, we were all able to get some much needed rest. With most of our class in Paris, the…