Ancient Rome

Our flight from Brussels was in the afternoon so we didn’t arrive to Rome until that evening and after an hour train ride to the city center we were already pushing 8:00. Our hotel was about a 45 minute walk from the Termini train station, so we were able to experience the eternal city at…

The Lost Weekend

Let me take you back to the fall of 2022, where my loyal readers will remember that Lauren and I travelled to Germany (the first time) with a handful of friends to celebrate Oktoberfest. Towards the end of that trip we both came down (presumably) with covid and we experienced the beer tents, zombie like,…

A Weihnachtsmarkt Holiday

Lauren and I had the realization on the London and Berlin flight that we’ve never traveled internationally in the winter to a country that experiences winter like we do back home. This realization was especially evident when we stepped off of the train in Berlin that got us to the city center. Local billboards had…


The secret of combating jet lag is to immediately take on your target destinations’s time zone without question (but with plenty of grumbling). After losing nearly half a day to time zone differences, Lauren and I managed to stay up until 7:30 the previous night and woke up shortly after seven this morning. With our…