24 Hours in Brussels

When we began our planning for this trip we knew two things: 1. We were doing the 10k in London and 2. We were going to Rome. The biggest question we had to answer was how are we moving between countries and by which method. Seeing how we try to pack as much as we…

Mannekin Pis News…

Not long after I published my post about my second Brussels class, I find that an entire article was posted by the Wall Street Journal (as found on Yahoo finance) about the infamous Mannekin Pis statue in Brussels. It really is an interesting article and I’ve attached the link here. It supplements what I wrote…

Second Class (54 Days Until Departure)

I have now come upon the second meeting of my study abroad class in Brussels which occurred on Thursday. That day, I was able to get to know my other classmates and start forming relationships with the students whom I will be spending ten fun filled days with in Belgium. The class started off very…