Our Final Yuletide Stops

Keeping with our hectic (some may say “crazy”) schedule, the next morning we were back at the train station to begin the final three days of our trip with our first stop at the oldest town in Germany, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Rothenburg ob der Tauber Rothenburg isn’t really centrally located to much of anything,…

Travel Rule #2

When presented with the opportunity to use a toilet, use it. You really never know when you’ll get another chance and when staying for two weeks on a tropical island constantly hydrating and on boats with no toilets, it becomes even more imperative. We transferred from Lakaz Chamarel on day eight and took the long,…

Second Class (54 Days Until Departure)

I have now come upon the second meeting of my study abroad class in Brussels which occurred on Thursday. That day, I was able to get to know my other classmates and start forming relationships with the students whom I will be spending ten fun filled days with in Belgium. The class started off very…

My First Post

Welcome to Devin’s Travels! I’ve created this blog to document my biggest passion: traveling! I do whatever I can do be able to see as much of the world as I can and I’ve been very lucky to experience as much as I have. My primary focus will be my experience traveling to Brussels this…